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The psychedelic renaissance is here!

Scientists are discovering something humans have known for over 6000 years - the transformative power of this sacred medicine!

In 2000 the government lifted the ban on research into psilocybin. Johns Hopkins University published a landmark study “Psilocybin can occasion mystical-type experiences having

substantial personal meaning and spiritual significance” This sparked a renewal of psychedelic research world-wide, finding it a valuable tool for treating depression, addiction, trauma, anxiety, and other mental and behavioral disorders. Studies have found that psilocybin increases neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to adapt and change. They also found changes in connectivity in the brain, where different regions of the brain communicate and start to synchronize.

“You go deep enough or far out enough in consciousness and you will bump into the sacred. It’s not something we generate; it’s something out there waiting to be discovered.” 

-Michael Pollen “How to Change your Mind”

This transformative medicine belongs to everyone, not just scientists. It is your birthright to have access to these non-ordinary states. Here in our jungle sanctuary, hidden away from the world, immersed in nature, we offer you that opportunity. We are not therapists or shamans but fellow travelers and experienced psychonauts with an understanding of how to work with this medicine.

We believe in the power of your own inner healer and the guidance of the mushrooms. Our role is to help with preparation and integration and to hold a safe and supportive space where you are free to explore the depths of your being. 

The journey is profound, leading you to a deeper connection to yourself and to something greater than yourself. A deep connection to nature, to the unseen forces of the universe. A deep healing as you understand the origins of your perceived  limitations

Join us if you feel ready, curious and courageous! A life altering experience awaits you.

Mushrooms hold the secrets to the universe, to life on our planet, and the core of our being.”  - Paul Stamets



If you have a question you can send us a message via Whatsapp at:  6463311705

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